Mercer County WV Archives Deed.....Hager, Russell - Blankenship, William D. October 13, 1857 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jan Kuhn September 4, 2011, 7:27 pm Fork of Brush Creek Written: October 13, 1857 Recorded: April 15, 1858 Mercer County Virginia Deed Book 4 page 534 This Deed made the 13th day of October in the year of our Lord 1857 between William D. Blankenship and wife of the one part and Russell Hager of the other part. Witnesseth that in consideration of one Hundred dollars William D. Blankenship and wife doth grant unto the said Russell Hager of the County of Mercer and state of Virginia all the right and title and interest in a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Mercer and State of Virginia. On the near fork of Brush Creek adjoining the land of John Tuggle the same that was Deeded from Samuel P. Davidson to Elizabeth Hager. Witness the following signatures and seals this 13th day of October 1857. William X (his mark) Blankenship Sarah X (her mark) Blankenship Mercer County to wit: We S. Thompson and A. Bailey Justices of the Peace for the county of Mercer in the state of Virginia do certify that Wm., D. Blankenship whose name is signed to the writing above bearing date the 13th day of October 1857 has acknowledged the same before us in our County aforesaid given under our hands this 13th day of October 1857. S. Thompson JP A. Bailey JP Mercer County to wit: We S. Thompson & A. Bailey justices of the peace for the county aforesaid in the state of Virginia do certify that Sarah Blankenship whose name heretofore annexed bearing date on the 1eth day of October 1857 has acknowledged the same before us in our County aforesaid. Given under our hands this 13th day of October 1857. S. Thompson JP A. Bailey JP Virginia In the Clerks Office of Mercer County the 15th day of April 1858 A Deed of Bargain & sale from William D. Blankenship & wife to Russell Hager Conveying land with a certificate of acknowledgment before two justices annexed was this day presented in said office & admitted to record. Teste C. W. Calfee CC File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.7 Kb