Mercer County WV Archives Deed.....Tiller, William - Cloyd, Gordon June 12, 1837 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Janet King February 9, 2009, 3:01 am Mercer Co., Virginia Written: June 12, 1837 Recorded: June 12, 1837 This indenture made on 12 June 1837 between James T. Watson of the city of New York and James R. Kent, David Cloyd and Joseph Cloyd executors of Gordon Cloyd (deceased) of Montgomery County, Virginia of the first part and William Tiller of Mercer County, Virginia of the second part. Witnesseth that James T. Watson and James R. Kent, David Cloyd and Joseph Cloyd exeutors of Gordon Cloyd (deceased) in consideration of thirty dollars paid to Andrew Johnston their attorney by William Tiller do grant to William Tiller a parcel of land containing 89 acres, it being a part of a survey of 80,000 acres granted to Samuel M. Hopkins asee of John Leybourn and Thomas Cloyd by letters patent dated July 1796. And afterward on 18 February 1806 Samuel M. Hopkins convey the same to Oliver Walcott in trust and afterwards on 22 June 1808 James T. Watson conveyed the one equal undivided third part of said tract to Gordon Cloyd. It lying in Mercer County on the North side of East River Mountain and adjoining of his own land and a survey made for Leybourn and Cloyd and now owned by Reubin White and bounded as follows to wit: Beginning at a Sugartree and Chestnut oak near a small hollow and corner to his own land and with his line reversing the course N 86 W 73 poles to a cherry tree hickory and poplar S 80 W 48 poles to a white oak and chestnut oak S 45 W 64 poles to five white oaks corner to his own land and a survey made for Leybourne and Cloyd and now owned by Reubin White and leaving his own and with White reversing the course S 75 W 40 poles to a chestnut oak and spanish oak in a rocky hollow in a line of Whites survey and leaving Whites N 53 W 54 poles down the hollow to a spanish oak and sugartree at the foot of a north point S 81 W 40 poles to a sugartree and black walnut at the foot of a north hill N 6 E 36 poles down a hollow to three large white oaks in said hollow S 74 E 60 poles to two white oaks in a flat hollow N 41 E 96 poles to a speckle oak sapling and small pines on a west hill side opposite a deer lick S 76 E 96 poles to a chestnut dogwood and chestnut oak at the foot of a north point near where Samuel Haywood now lives N 64 E 50 poles to two chestnut oaks on the top of a ridge thence S 20 E 63 poles to the beginning. In the County Court of Mercer June 12th 1837. This indenture of Bargain and Sale from James T. Watson, James R. Kent, David Cloyd and Joseph Cloyd executors of Gordon Cloyd (deceased) by Andrew Johnston their attorney in fact to William Tiller acknowledged by the said Andrew Johnston attorney in fact and order recorded. Teste Moses E. Kerr James T. Watson (seal) James R. Kent (seal) David Cloyd (seal) Joseph Cloyd (seal) by Andrew Johnston their attorney in fact File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.4 Kb