Mercer County, WV (VA) - 1853 Birth Register ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** Mercer County, Va. (WV) Birth Records 1853 Index and Text I personally copied these records from the Mercer County Courthouse in Princeton, WV. Copyright © 2005by Barbara C. Beck. This copy contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives. MERCER COUNTY, VIRGINIA (WEST VIRGINIA) BIRTH RECORD1853 Ashworth, Elizabeth Ann         Page 1          Line 9 Ashworth, Granville H                   Page 1          Line 9 Ashworth, James Heaton          Page 1          Line 9 Bailey, Francis                         Page 1          Line 24 Bailey, Henderson French                Page 1          Line 24 Bailey, James McHenry           Page 1          Line 26 Bailey, John E.                         Page 1          Line 26 Bailey, Philip P.                       Page 1          Line 24 Bailey, Sarah Ann                       Page 1          Line 26 Belcher, Allen M.                       Page 1          Line 11 Belcher, Catherine S.                   Page 1          Line 11 Belcher, George Winton          Page 1          Line 11 Bodell, David N.                        Page 1          Line 25 Bodell, No Name                         Page 1          Line 25 Bodell, Sarah Ann                       Page 1          Line 25 Brinkley, Elizabeth                     Page 1          Line 2 Brinkley, James                         Page 1          Line 2 Brinkley, Rebecca                       Page 1          Line 2 Brotherton, Amelia                      Page 1          Line 41 Brotherton, Robert H.                   Page 1          Line 41 Brotherton, Virginia Elizabeth  Page 1          Line 41 Burgess, John G.                        Page 1          Line 4 Burgess, Leuzena                        Page 1          Line 4 Burgess, Mary                           Page 1          Line 4 Calfee, Esther Frances                  Page 1          Line 46 Calfee, Jane                            Page 1          Line 46 Calfee, Matilda D.                      Page 1          Line 34 Calfee, Samuel T.                       Page 1          Line 34 Calfee, Virginia Bailey                 Page 1          Line 34 Calfee, Wilson D.                       Page 1          Line 46 Calfee, Wilson D.                       Page 1          Line 47 Carper, Eugenia C.                      Page 1          Line 7 Carper, Mary Frances                    Page 1          Line 7 Carper, Michael O.                      Page 1          Line 7 Chatting, Martha E.                     Page 1          Line 12 Chatting, Mary Elizabeth                Page 1          Line 12 Chatting, William                       Page 1          Line 12 Coburn, Arzulia                         Page 1          Line 45 Coburn, David                           Page 1          Line 45 Coburn, James Chester                   Page 1          Line 45 Crawford, Gennetta Elizabeth    Page 1          Line 19 Crawford, Harriet                       Page 1          Line 19 Crawford, Jane                          Page 1          Line 19 Danielly, Hugh Alexander                Page 1          Line 36 Danielly, Jenitia                       Page 1          Line 36 Danielly, Nehemiah                      Page 1          Line 36 Davidson, Ancel Crocket         Page 1          Line 28 Davidson, Jane                          Page 1          Line 28 Davidson, Joseph                        Page 1          Line 28 Fletcher, Columbia Jane         Page 1          Line 30 Fletcher, James H.                      Page 1          Line 30 Fletcher, James William         Page 1          Line 30 Garretson, Ardella Jane         Page 1          Line 20 Garretson, George A.                    Page 1          Line 20 Garretson, No name                      Page 1          Line 17 Garretson, Rebecca                      Page 1          Line 20 Garretson, Zeruah                       Page 1          Line 17 Hardy, Arabell                          Page 1          Line 38 Hardy, John Thompson Nickells   Page 1          Line 38 Hardy, Lawson P.                        Page 1          Line 38 Hale, Elias James                       Page 1          Line 27 Hale, John E.                           Page 1          Line 27 Hale, Mary Kessia                       Page 1          Line 27 Hammons, Amanda                 Page 1          Line 8 Hammons, Newton Jasper          Page 1          Line 8 Hammons, Thomas P.                      Page 1          Line 8 Heptinstall, Elisha H.                  Page 1          Line 10 Heptinstall, John William               Page 1          Line 43 Heptinstall, Fanny Hall                 Page 1          Line 10 Heptinstall, Mary Jane                  Page 1          Line 43 Heptinstall, Rebecca                    Page 1          Line 10 Heptinstall, William L.                 Page 1          Line 43 Jane                                    Page 1          Line 47 Jenks, Annie Virginia                   Page 1          Line 42 Jenks, Charles                          Page 1          Line 42 Jenks, Susan Virginia                   Page 1          Line 42 Jones, Agee                             Page 1          Line 44 Jones, Clinton                          Page 1          Line 21 Jones, Eliza                            Page 1          Line 44 Jones, John                             Page 1          Line 1 Jones, Martha                           Page 1          Line 21 Jones, Mary Emaline                     Page 1          Line 21 Jones, Rebecca                          Page 1          Line 1 Jones, William Asbury                   Page 1          Line 1 Jones, Zeruah Helen                     Page 1          Line 44         McKinzey, Derenzie, Holbert     Page 1          Line 5 McKinzey, John A.                       Page 1          Line 5 McKinzey, Martha                        Page 1          Line 5 No Name                                 Page 1          Line 47 Pennington, Ballard                     Page 1          Line 15 Pennington, Ellen                       Page 1          Line 15 Pennington, John A.                     Page 1          Line 15 Richards, Jane                          Page 1          Line 29 Richards, John                          Page 1          Line 29 Richards, William                       Page 1          Line 29 Robertson, Amanda                       Page 1          Line 13 Robertson, John R.                      Page 1          Line 13 Robertson, Robert J.                    Page 1          Line 13 Shrewsbury, Lucinda Ellenson    Page 1          Line 32 Shrewsbury, Patrick Henry               Page 1          Line 32 Shrewsbury, Russel B.                   Page 1          Line 32 Spade, Charles                          Page 1          Line 35 Spade, Rhoda                            Page 1          Line 35 Spade, Samuel A.                        Page 1          Line 35 Stafford, Christopher                   Page 1          Line 33 Stafford, Jane                          Page 1          Line 33 Stafford, No Name                       Page 1          Line 33 Stewart, John                           Page 1          Line 6 Stewart, Margaret Jane or Lane Page 1          Line 6 Stewart, Vestary Isabella               Page 1          Line 6 Thomas, Louisa                          Page 1          Line 14 Thomas, Margret Jane                    Page 1          Line 14 Thomas, Melvina                         Page 1          Line 14 Thornton, K. C.                         Page 1          Line 37 Thornton, Malinda                       Page 1          Line 37 Thornton, Virginia                      Page 1          Line 37 Tiller, Charles Ira                     Page 1          Line 23 Tiller, Ellen                           Page 1          Line 16 Tiller, John Mitchell                   Page 1          Line 16 Tiller, Judah                           Page 1          Line 18 Tiller, Kinzie                          Page 1          Line 18 Tiller, Persilla Tiller                 Page 1          Line 16 Tiller, Rhoda                           Page 1          Line 23 Tiller, William Ballard                 Page 1          Line 18 Tiller, William D.                      Page 1          Line 23 Tracey, George P.                       Page 1          Line 3 Tracey, Margaret T.                     Page 1          Line 3 Tracey, Salmon K.                       Page 1          Line 3 White, James Anderson           Page 1          Line 22 White, James R.                         Page 1          Line 22 White, Juliet S.                       Page 1          Line 22 Woods, Elmira                           Page 1          Line 39 Woods, Mary Virginia                    Page 1          Line 39 Woods, Samuel B.                        Page 1          Line 39 Wright, Cynthia                         Page 1          Line 31 Wright, Joseph                          Page 1          Line 31 Wright, Mary Susan                      Page 1          Line 31 Zoll, Jacob                             Page 1          Line 40 Zoll, Mary Isabell                      Page 1          Line 40 Zoll, Mary Jane                         Page 1          Line 40 Text: Page 1, Line 1 William Asbury Jones, Born on 15 Nov 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Son of John and Rebecca Jones, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - John Jones, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 2 Harriet Brinkley, Born on 31 Aug 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Female, Daughter of James and Elizabeth Brinkly, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - James Brinkley, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 3 George P. Tracey, Born on 29 Nov 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Son of Salmon K. and Margaret T. Tracey, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Salmon K. Tracey, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 4 Leuzena Hester Burgess, Born on 8 Oct 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Female, Daughter of John G. and Mary Burgess, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - John G. Burgess, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 5 Derenzie Holbert McKinzey, Born on 6 Aug 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Son of John A. and Martha McKinzie, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - John A. McKinzey, Relation - Father. (Name spelled two ways) Page 1, Line 6 Vestary Isabella Stewart, Born on 4 Mar 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Feamale, Daughter of John and Margaret Jane or Lane Stewart, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - John Stewart, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 7 Mary Frances Carper, Born on 15 June 1853 in Craig Co., Va., White, Female, Daughter of Michael O. an Eugennia C. Carper, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Michael O. Carper, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 8 Newton Jasper Hammons, Born in 1853, no day or month given, in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Son of Thomas P. and Amanda Hammons, Father’s Occupation - Carpenter, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Thomas P. Hammons, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 9 James Heaton Ashworth, Born on 17 July 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Son of Granville H. and Elizabeth Ann Ashworth, Father’s Occupation - Carpenter, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Granville H. Ashworth, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 10 Fanny Hall Heptinstall, Born on 12 Dec 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Daughter of Elisha H. and Rebecca Jane Heptinstall, Father’s Occupation - Carpenter, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Elisha H. Heptinstall, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 11 George Winton Belcher, Born on 23 Aug 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Son of Allen M. and Catherine S. Belcher, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Allen M. Belcher, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 12 Martha E. Chatting, Born on 12 Apr 1853 in Botetourt Co., Va., White, Female, Daughter of William and Mary Elizabeth Chatting, Father’s Occupation - Stone Mason, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - William Chatting, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 13 Robert G. Robertson, Born on 7 Jan 1853 in Charlotte Co., Va., White, Male, Son of John R. and Amanda Robertson, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence -Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Amanda Robertson, Relation - Mother. Page 1, Line 14 Margret Jane Thomas, Born on 16 Apr 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., Colored, Female, Father- Unknown, Mother - Melvina Thomas is white, Father’s Occupation - Unknown, Residence- Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Louisa Burditt, Relation - Neighbor. Page 1, Line 15 Ballard Pennington, Born on 5 Apr 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Son of John A. and Ellen Pennington, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - John A. Pennington, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 16 John Mitchell Tiller, Born on 22 Aug 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Father - Unknown, Mother - Ellen Tiller, Father’s Occupation - Unknown, Residence - Unknown, Information source - Persilla Tiller, Relation - Grandmother. Page 1, Line 17 No Name, Born on 17 Feb 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Female, Father - Unknown, Mother - Zeruah Garretson, Father’s Occupation - Unknown - Residence - Unknown, Information Source - Persilla Tiller, Relation - Midwife. Page 1, Line 18 William Ballard Tiller, Born on 11 Apr 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Son of Kinzie and Judah Tiller, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Kinzie Tiller, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 19 Gennetta Elizabeth Crawford, Born on 26 Sept 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Female, Father - Unknown, Mother - Harriet Cawford, Father’s Occupation - Unknown, Residence- Unknown, Information Source - Jane Crawford, Relation - Grandmother. Page 1, Line 20 Ardella Jane Garretson, Born on 25 June 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Female, Daughter of George A. and Rebecca Garretson, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Rebecca Garretson, Relation - Mother. Page 1, Line 21 Clinton Jones, Born on 30 Dec 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Father - Unknown, Mother - Mary Emaline Jones, Father’s Occupation - Unknown, Residence - Unknown, Information Source - Martha Jones, Relation - Grandmother. Page 1, Line 22 James Anderson White, Born on 21 May 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Son of James R. and Juliet S. White, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence, Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - James R. White, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 23 Charles Ira Tiller, Born on 18 Dec 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Son of William D. and Rhoda Tiller, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Rhoda Tiller, Relation - Mother. Page 1, Line 24 Henderson French Bailey, Born on 28 Sept 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Son of Philip P. and Francis Bailey, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Philip Bailey, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 25 No Name, Born on 27 Aug 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Female, Daughter of David N. and Sophronia Bodell, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - David N. Bodell, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 26 James McHenry Bailey, Born on 21 Nov. 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Son of John M. and Sarah Ann Bailey, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - John M. Bailey, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 27 Elias James Hale, Born on 12 Sept 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male Son of John E. and Mary Kessia Hale, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - John E. Hale, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 28 Ancel Crocket Davidson, Born on 8 aug 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Son of Joseph and Jane Davidson, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Joseph Davidson, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 29 William Richards, Born on 2 Oct 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Son of John and Jane Richards, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - John Richards, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 30 James William Fletcher, Born on 19 Feb 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Son of James H. and Columbia Jane Fletcher, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - James H. Fletcher, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 31 Mary Susan Wright, Born on 15 Jan 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Female, Daughter of Joseph and Cynthia Wright, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Joseph Wright, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 32 Patrick Henry Shrewsbury, Born on 5 Aug 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Son of Russel B. and Lucinda Ellenson Shrewsbury, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Russel B. Shrewsbury, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 33 No Name, Born on 20 Dec 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Son of Christopher and Jane Stafford, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence- Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Christopher Stafford, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 34 Virginia Bailey Calfee, on 27 Feb 1853 in Wythe Co., Va., White, Female, Daughter of Samuel T. and Matilda D. Calfee, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Samuel T. Calfee, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 35 Charles Spade, Born on 5 Apr 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Son of Samuel A. and Rhoda Spade, Father’s Occupation - Shoemaker, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Samuel Spade, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 36 Hugh Alexander Danielly, Born on 4 Mar 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Son of Nehemiah and Jenitia Danielly, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Nehemiah Danielly, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 37 Malinda Thornton, Born on 30 Sept 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Female, Daughter of K. C. and Virginia Thornton, Father’s Occupation - Saddler, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - K. C. Thornton, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 38 John Thompson Nickells Hardy, Born on 12 Apr 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Son of Lawson P. and Arabell Hardy, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Lawson P. Hardy, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 39 Mary Virginia Woods, Born on 8 Apr 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Female, Daughter of Samuel B. and Elmira Woods, Father’s Occupation - Blacksmith, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Samuel B. Woods, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 40 Mary Isabell Zoll, Born on 4 May 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Female, Daughter of Jacob and Mary Jane Zoll, Father’s Occupation - Saddler, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Jacob Zoll, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 41 Virginia Elizabeth Brotherton, Born on 20 Feb 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Female, Daughter of Robert H. and Amelia Brotherton, Father’s Occupation - Wagon Maker, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Robert H. Brotherton, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 42 Annie Virginnia Jenks, Born on 4 Sept 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Female, Daughter of Charles and Susan Virginia Jenks, Father’s Occupation - Tailor, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Charles Jenks, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 43 John William Heptinstall, Born on 1 May 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Son of William L. and Mary Jane Heptinstall, Father’s Occupation - Deputy Clerk, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - William L. Heptinstall, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 44 Zeruah Helen Jones, Born on 11 May 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Female, Daughter of Agee and Eliza Jones, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Agee Jones, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 45 James Chester Coburn, Born on 19 Feb 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Male, Son of David and Arzulia Coburn, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - David Coburn, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 46 Esther Frances Calfee, Born on 15 Feb 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., White, Female, Daughter of Wilson D. and Jane Calfee, Father’s Occupation - Farmer, Residence - Mercer Co., Va., Information Source - Wilson D. Calfee, Relation - Father. Page 1, Line 47 No Name, Born on 26 Nov 1853 in Mercer Co., Va., Colored, Slave, Father - Unknown, Mother - Jane, Owner - Wilson D. Calfee, Occupation of Owner - Farmer, Information source - Wilson D. Calfee, Relation - Head of Family.