Wadestown M.E. Church Cemetery Monongalia Co. WV Last First Birth Death Info Ammons Emma S. 10/11/1857 09/07/01 w/o F.M. Anderson Ella 7/6/1863 8/11/1888 w/o M.L. Bane John D. 1873 1928 Barr Emily F. 1/15/1873 w/o Lewis Barr Infant 07/29/16 07/29/16 Barr Lewis 1848 nd Barr Zona 1859 1936 Barrackman Mark H. 1895 1920 S.P. and M.J. Barrackman Nancy J. 2/15/1845 1/13/1893 Barrackman Simon Jr. 1902 1920 S.P. and M.J. Barrackman Simon P. 11/2/1868 12/17/01 Barrackman Wayne L. 1897 1920 S.P. and M.J. Bean Robert 1869 1929 Bell Ebenezer 1854 1926 Breakiron Mary S. 8/7/1877 w/o George T. Broadwater Coral B. 02/04/30 11/23/30 Brown Strode 05/24/08 06/28/33 Calvert Lafayette 3/4/1866 T. and E. Campbell Florence 10/17/31 Carnahan Bessie 1886 1918 Carr Emma C. 12/20/02 10/29/03 J.A. and D.L. Carrothers A.J. 11/26/1862 12/9/1896 Carrothers Bradley 1863 1908 w/o A.J. Chalfant Elcy 2/5/1888 w/o Peter Chalfant L. Belle 11/23/1894 Clayton Simon L. 2/28/1871 02/25/08 Clovis Ellen 1850 1911 w/o R.S. Clovis Minnie 1/17/1875 07/05/02 w/o Forest Clovis Robert S. 1851 nd Core Arthur S. 1896 1922 L.R. and Livina Cowell Harbert 11/09/21 b/d A.R. and L.B. Cowell Mary H. 1900 1933 Cross Edna 01/14/22 C.C. and K. Cross Elizabeth 1844 1919 w/o Ezra D. Cross Ezra D. 1840 1907 Cross L.M. 1862 8/2/1885 Cumberledge Jacob 1859 1911 DeGarmo Glenn L. 8/1/1895 10/23/1895 G.E. and H.E. DeGarmo Jennie 3/4/1867 7/27/1883 W.J. and J. Delaney burtha 02/22/13 07/05/16 George and Ella Delaney Harry 07/13/23 08/22/25 Delaney John L. 1840 1911 Delaney Josephus 3/17/1888 W.M. and S.E. Delaney Larney E. 1903 1923 Delaney Mary 1843 nd w/o J.L. Delaney Sarah E. 1856 1931 Delaney William 1852 1918 Devens John M. 10/23/1894 nd Dye Eleanor 9/12/1865 w/o Little Dye Mary J. 6/26/1868 w/o Jefferson Dye Paul Edwin 12/09/07 10/22/16 J. and M.B. Eakin Athalia 5/17/1846 w/o Peter Eakin Elizabeth M. 7/14/1871 w/o Justus Eakin Eri 2/18/1866 P. and M. Eakin Jolley 9/11/1828 03/03/14 Eakin Mary 9/30/1838 12/23/1888 Eakin Rachel 8/23/1857 3/21/1888 w/o Dr. A.B. Mason Eakin W.J. 11/14/1823 9/24/1891 Eddy E. 6/16/1853 09/13/35 Edna Katie 1870 1935 Edwards A.D. 1850 1927 Edwards Cotton C. 11/19/1825 01/09/03 w/o C. Edwards Gordon nd 1898 Edwards Rosa 1852 nd w/o A.D. Estel Edna P. 12/18/20 nd L.R. and A. Estel Elizabeth 6/21/1852 03/22/15 w/o Joseph Estel Joseph 2/29/1849 02/10/04 Estel L.R. 1881 1926 Evans Harry 1884 1935 Fetty Hacel 05/12/10 S.F. and E. Ford Rhoda 12/28/1883 w/o A.H. Garard Isa M. 4/21/1876 9/28/1897 w/o M. Garard Marion M. 3/16/1862 8/24/1895 Garnarhan Bessie 1886 1918 Garrison Adalaide 8/19/1849 2/11/1891 w/o Morris J. Garrison Morris 8/24/1843 02/18/16 Gerard Frank 05/05/34 Gerard Harold W. 1900 1930 Gerard Martha 04/10/31 Goodnight A.R. 8/15/1827 6/9/1893 Goodnight Gideon 2/14/1885 O.P. and M. Goodnight Larua 1868 nd Goodnight Mary 12/22/1829 12/29/1891 w/o O.P. Goodnight Minerva 4/14/1885 Goodnight William 1855 1922 Gump Drucilla 1860 1919 Gump Maggie I. 1899 1916 D.H. and R. Gump Margaret 1866 nd w/o W.H. Hagan Mary M. 5/25/1850 9/17/1899 Haines Barbra 1835 1916 w/o W. Haines Dennia 3/24/1856 11/30/17 Haines James 1834 1918 Haines Jefferson 1869 1935 James and Mary Haines Martha E. 1/13/1861 1/22/1898 Haines Mary 1832 1900 w/o James Haines William 1832 nd Hall Maude nd nd Harter Calvin C. 1856 1938 Harter Frank 12/28/1894 M.W. and F.E. Harter Moses 5/19/1819 10/06/00 Harter M.W. 3/24/1862 01/05/06 Harter Perninna 1851 nd Harter Sarah 12/02/19 Harton Jimmie D. 1921 1933 W.J. and Grace Hartzell Albert 09/05/12 09/25/13 J.S. and E.R. Hartzell Ethel R. 1884 1922 Haught Anna R. 5/23/1833 03/30/13 w/o A.G. Haught E. 07/05/04 12/14/1888 Haught Isaac N. 10/27/1894 Haught Jacob M. nd nd Haught J.G. 10/9/1885 Haught Mary 1799 1873 w/o E. Headley Ada May 1/31/1895 10/09/20 w/o Frances L. Stewar Henderson Asa 5/15/1848 06/24/21 Henderson Delilah C. 3/23/1849 11/2/1899 Henderson Hazel 10/11/03 09/05/04 M Henderson Infant 4/1/1899 M.G. and N. Henderson Infant 3/19/1899 M.G. and N. Henderson John S. 9/19/1886 11/20/1892 M. and J. Henderson Julia 7/10/1894 w/o Michael Henderson Mark K. 2/5/1870 9/26/1888 N. and N. Henderson Narcissus 1842 1923 w/o Noah Henderson Noah 1836 1919 Hennen Adaline 5/27/1849 nd Hennen Benjamin nd 1/23/1842 Wm. and Louisa Hennen Casandra nd 6/26/1895 w/o M.V. Hennen Eliza L. 1855 1897 Hennen Ellroy 11/19/1849 11/11/10 Hennen Everts 1/20/1880 11/10/18997 Lewis and Elzina Hennen Lot L. nd 10/3/1853 Wm. and Louisa Hennen Louisa 1/18/1819 nd w/o William Hennen Malinda nd 1/31/1861 Wm. and Louisa Hennen Mary nd 8/23/1866 w/o J. Hennen Mary Ellen nd 9/26/1858 Wm M. and Louisa Hennen William M. 3/15/1817 9/29/1884 Kenney Jane 7/27/1857 nd w/o W.G. Kenney Jane 1829 1903 Kenney J.W. 1818 1900 Kenney Prisella 1822 1896 Kenney William 1826 1905 Kent Jimmie 1896 1897 Kent Margaret R. 1871 1900 Kent William G. 1868 1931 Kents Beason 1859 1872 King Alexander 2/13/1840 02/12/10 Civil War King Michael 2/13/1867 04/09/08 King Nancy 3/5/1842 nd w/o A. Koon Catline B. 12/17/17 10/31/18 C.N. and T. Kuhn Emily C. 5/13/1866 07/13/07 W/o Joseph Lemley Alburn Lee 1873 1878 Elihu and Victoria Lester Beunavista nd 2/18/1890 w/o M.B. Lewis Billy 01/26/25 01/26/25 H.R. and A.B. Liggett Charles 1914 b/d Liggett G.S. 1859 1929 Liggett Howard 1913 b/d Liggett Izora 1881 1928 Liggett Mirtie A. 1880 1904 Liggett Oliver S. 1879 1920 Liming Elizabeth R. 1855 1911 w/o J. Liming Fred O. 1887 11/17/18 Liming Leo 1874 1896 Lindsey J. 1873 1930 Litman Noah 11/20/05 b/d Wm. and B.O. Lynch Edward E. 1921 1922 Lynch James R. 1873 1932 Lynch Mary Jo 05/31/31 b/d T.S. Mapel Amy 12/1/1864 nd Mapel Barbara E. 1865 1934 Mapel George 5/29/1863 09/18/29 Mapel Infant b/d 02/26/02 C.T. and A. Mason Festus 1/21/1886 06/30/14 McCarl Emerson L. nd 4/1/1866 J. and M. McCarl Gascues nd 2/27/1866 J. and M. McCarl Lafayette nd 2/19/1866 J. and M. McCurdy Mary L. nd 11/4/1879 D. and E. McIsaac James J. 1923 1924 R.J. and Bessie Mobley Infant nd nd G.W. and M.M. Moin Anna 1/11/1873 03/17/02 Moore Alpha 1895 1918 Moore Dora D. 7/8/1857 7/18/1883 w/o J.H. Moore Emma 1/26/1861 2/3/1887 w/o L. Moore John B. 4/30/1826 12/24/03 Moore Nancy 3/13/1822 4/1/1899 w/o J.B. Neff John R. 4/18/1857 Wm and M. Poteet Thomas 3/7/1882 8/L7/1902 Price Leon 1887 1914 Price William C. 01/29/03 08/02/03 W.T. and C.A. Renner Harvey 1845 1888 Renner Leni L. 1856 1916 w/o Harvey Renner Rector 09/22/06 12/18/09 W. and D.M. Robinson Elizabeth 11/12/1842 nd w/o J.R. Robinson John R. 5/17/1835 12/22/11 Rose E. Newton 1875 1929 Rose H. Nancy 8/1/1873 7/13/1894 Rose Ida L. 4/30/1873 11/06/10 w/o Dr. E.W. Rose Infant b/d 04/10/05 E.W. and Ida Rose L. Lindsey 1873 1930 Rose Sarah E. 1843 1907 w/o E.J. Roup Benjamin 6/26/1836 06/14/09 Roup Infant b/d 11/14/08 J.L. and V.S. Roup Lavina Della 10/3/1886 10/20/20 w/o J.L. Roup Sarah 8/1/1839 nd w/o B. Santee Agnes 10/25/1792 12/3/1879 Santee Beula 11/29/07 09/01/09 Santee Evan 1/24/1831 02/02/00 Santee Pleasant 3/1/1833 2/25/1890 Santee Ralph L. 6/20/1800 4/20/1884 A.J. and Lucy Santee Roanna V. 9/9/1834 nd Seaman Frank 8/3/1885 02/12/13 Shisler Elizabeth nd 6/5/1855 Shriver Abraham 1825 1882 Shriver Adam 1846 1897 Shriver Alice G. 3/19/1880 11/23/01 G.W. and M. Shriver baby nd 1884 Shriver Bertha 1894 nd w/o J. Milton Shriver Delilah 1832 1927 w/o Abraham Shriver Elizabeth 1853 1929 Shriver Ellis nd 10/22/1894 A. and D. Shriver Ellis nd 04/16/02 S.M. and S.V. Shriver Eva Johnson 1857 1884 Shriver George W. 1848 1926 Shriver Ida 10/7/1876 11/18/1876 D.S. and S.H. Shriver Ina Ray 1899 1918 G.and E. Shriver Infant nd 10/8/1891 V. and M.A. Shriver Jasper 1841 1914 Shriver John L. 1900 1931 Shriver J. Milton 1888 1928 Shriver Lucretia C. 1839 1904 w/o S.H. Shriver Lucretia M. 11/25/06 08/27/24 Henry and Elizabeth Shriver L.L. 1846 1930 Shriver Margo nd 7/6/1890 w/o G.W. Shriver Martha 12/20/1851 6/2/1899 w/o J. Shriver Mary Elizabeth b/d 1910 C. and A. Shriver Maud 12/3/1892 10/9/1893 Shriver Maude 2/25/1888 12/21/1893 J. and M. Shriver Moses 1831 nd Shriver Olive A. 8/4/1875 10/28/1886 J. and M. Shriver Orpha 1853 1915 w/o Moses Shriver Robert 1898 1905 Henry and Elizabeth Shriver S.H. 1829 1912 Shriver Urias 1860 1927 Simpson Jacob H. 2/20/1878 05/12/24 Six Infant b/d 10/20/11 W.J. and E.C. Spragg George F. 1/10/1867 3/17/1878 J. and M. Spragg John H. 3/18/1832 05/04/04 Steele R. Rex 1904 1925 Stewart Richard M. 11/25/1863 09/11/26 Stewart Zelma E. 5/9/1866 nd Stiles Infant b/d 01/16/09 I. and I. Stiles Maggie 1874 nd Stiles Mark 1871 1913 Stiles Milton C. nd 1893 Stiles Sarah O. b/d 06/19/08 M. and M.V. Taylor Fannie E. 1842 1914 w/o Frances Taylor Francis 1837 nd Taylor Hazel nd 03/15/36 Taylor Henry 1839 1920 Taylor Iva Inez nd 03/01/36 Tennant Chlor 1893 1920 Tennant Clark 1862 1937 Tennant Clyde 1896 1918 Tennant Daniel L. 1858 1925 Tennant Infant nd 1913 D.L. and E. Tennant Julia 1867 1937 Tennant Laura B. 1876 1927 Tennant Lemley 1871 1932 Wear Jasper 1877 1880 W.H. and Louisa Wear Louisa 3/24/1840 03/19/13 w/o W.H. Wear Sarah 1/28/1806 4/4/1882 Wear W.H. nd 04/09/16 Whisler Abram nd 5/26/1888 Whisler Clara 6/16/1899 03/14/00 A.W. and A. Whisler Flora 1888 1912 Whisler Frank nd 10/19/01 A.K. and S.E. Whisler George nd 08/09/01 Whisler Henry nd 6/14/1884 Whisler Joseph nd 3/11/1885 Whisler Mahala 6/9/1818 12/10/1899 w/o A. Whisler Sarah A. 1861 1905 w/o G.M. Whisler Sarah Ellen nd 9/25/1883 White sons nd nd E. and L. Whitlatch Elizabeth 1/18/1817 9/27/1885 w/o Lewis Whitlatch Georgia nd 2/18/1888 F.M. and A. Whitlatch James nd 11/27/1867 F.M. and A.J. Wilson Leyden, Dr. 1888 1936 J. and A.G. Wilson Mary Carrothersnd nd w/o Dr. Layden Yost Lucille 1901 191 Clark and Rebecca Yost Maria J. 1854 1928 Youst Mary Edna nd 1/20/1899 L.C. and R.N. USGenWeb Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for commercial presentation by any other organization. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must obtain express written permission from the author, or the submitter and from the listed USGenWeb Project archivist. submitted by burns@asu.edu