Biography of Robert Lee Hunter, MD - Raleigh Co. WV The History of West Virginia, Old and New Published 1923, The American Historical Society, Inc., Chicago and New York, Volume III, pg. 570 ROBERT LEE HUNTER M. D. Not only has Dr. Robert Lee Hunter lived up to the highest ideals of his profession in his private practice, but when this country was at war - he offered his services, responded to the call and, leaving his large practice, went into the army and remained with it until he was honorably discharged. While he is at present carrying on a general practice, he has given much attention to children's diseases and skin troubles in his post-graduate work, and is planning to soon devote all of his time to these special branches. During all of his practice he has been located at Jarrolds Valley, which is the oldest settlement in this part of the state, having been in existence long before the developmnt [sic] of the mining interests in this locality. Doctor Hunter was horn at Dry Creek, Raleigh County, West Virginia, June 13, 1881, a sun of Lewis and Arminta (Honaker) Hunter, natives of West Virginia and Tazewell County, West Virginia, respectively. Lewis Hunter was a teacher and farmer, and one of the leading men of Raleigh County. For two terms he served the county as deputy sheriff, and for one term held the office of sheriff. His death occurred some years ago. The preliminary training of Doctor Hunter was acquired in the common schools of Raleigh County, and he was pre- pared for teaching at Beckley. After securing his certificate he engaged in teaching for a short time, but found the work was not congenial, and so took up the study of medicine, and, going to Louisville, became a student of the University of Louisville, from which he was graduated in 1907, with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Alter a preliminary experience of about a year with Doctor Pettry at Dorothy, West Virginia, and ten months in Martin County, Kentucky, Doctor Hunter established himself permanently at Jarrolds Valley. When the mines were opened here he became their physician, and so continued until the expansion of his private practice made it im- possible for him to attend the cases other than as a part of his own clientele. In 1917 Doctor Hunter took post- graduate work at Atlanta, Georgia, at the Emory University, and in 1920 at the Southern Post-Graduate Medical Depart- ment of the University of California. During the late war Doctor Hunter entered the medical department, was called to the service in October, 1918, and went to Base Hospital at Camp Sevier, South Carolina, as a first lieutenant, and remained there until December 14, 1918, when he was honorably discharged and returned home on December 20. He is still a first lieutenant in the Medical Reserve Corps. In 1908, Doctor Hunter married at Jarrolds Valley Lula May Jarrell, a daughter of G. M. and Mollie (Farley) Jarrell, both natives of West Virginia, and farming people. Doctor and Mrs. Hunter have one daughter, Priscilla. Doctor Hunter belongs to the Presbyterian Church. He is a Chapter Mason, and is going on in his fraternity. Politically he gives his support to the candi- dates of the democratic party. An earnest, resourceful and carefully-trained practitioner, he has been eminently successful, and there is no doubt but that when his plans are carried out, will achieve distinction in the special branches to which he has given so much thought and study. His personal following is large, and his patients hold him in grateful regard, for to them he is more than simply their medical man, he is a friend and a tower of strength in times of great trouble. Submitted by Valerie F. Crook **************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. ****************************************************************