Biography of Anderson Embury Miller - Summers Co. WV The History of West Virginia, Old and New Published 1923, The American Historical Society, Inc., Chicago and New York, Volume II, pg. 609 ANDERSON EMBURY MILLER. A career devoted to solid and substantial lines of business and industry has been that of Anderson Embury Miller, who for a, score of years has been general manager of the New River Grocery Company at Hinton. The greater part of his life has been spent in Summers County, and for several years he was interested in the timber and lumber industry in this vicinity. The New River Grocery Company was incorporated in 1901 and opened for business January 1, 1902. The execu- tive officials are: G. A. Miller, president; H. L. Johnson, secretary and treasurer; and A. E. Miller, general manager. It is one of the larger wholesale concerns handling groceries throughout the southern and eastern portions of the state. It commands a large and extensive patronage over the territory adjacent to the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad from Kanawha Falls to Covington, Virginia, including the counties of Summers, Fayette, Raleigh, Greenbrier, Monroe and Pocahontas, and portions of Mercer and Nicholas counties. Anderson Embury Miller was born at Green Sulphur Springs, in what was then Greenbrier, now Summers County, October 1, 1859, son of William Erskine and Sarah Barbara (McNeer) Miller. In this locality his grandfather, John Miller, settled more than a century ago on coming from Bath County, Virginia. William E. Miller was born at the old homestead at Green Sulphur Springs, August 19, 1825, and died February 3, 1901. In 1891 he moved from this locality to Foss, where he lived until his death. He was a Confederate soldier, was a farmer and stock man and was never active in politics. Hia wife, Sarah Barbara McNeer was born May 10, 1827, and died February 6, 1897. Her father was Richard McNeer, an early settler on Hands Creek, Monroe County, and the McNeers were originally from Paisley, Scotland. William E. Miller and wife had three sons and one daughter: Mary B. living at Hinton: C. L. Miller, a retired farmer at Belle Point in Summers County; Judge James H. Miller, a prominent lawyer and man of affairs at Hinton; and Anderson E. Anderson E. Miller attended both free and private schools and taught four winter terms of school. His first active business enterprise was in association with his cousin, W. N. McNeer, in operating a sawmill at Blue Hope Tunnel. Later he was in the lumber industry on Lick Creek, in the vicinity of Green Sulphur Springs, and he continued active in saw milling operations for ten years. Later he was asso- ciated in the store business with John McNeer at Belle Point and for eighteen months lived at Buckley, where he was cashier of the Bank of Raleigh, an institution he helped organize. Mr. Miller was also at one time associated with his brother C. L. in a milling business on Pipe Stem and on Tallory Mountain, and for seven years he owned a store at Belle Point. Since 1902, however, his time and energies have been quite fully taken up by his duties as general manager of the New River Grocery Company at Hinton. On June 22, 1887, Mr. Miller married Jennie I. Hutchi- son, who was born at Elton, daughter of Michael Hutchi- son. Mr. Miller lost his wife by death January 24, 1908. There were five children: Owen, associated with the Sterling Motor Company of Hinton; Fay, at home; Harry L., Josie and Barbara Hutchison, both at home. The son. Harry volunteered and entered the First Officers Training Camp at Fort Benjamin Harrison, was commissioned as first lieu- tenant of infantry, and was sent for duty to Camp Funston. He failed to go overseas with his command because of an attack of appendicitis, which developed into ohlebitis, but he was continued on duty for twenty-three months. Since the war he has been associated with his father in the whole- sale grocery business. Mr. Miller is an active member of the Green Sulphur Methodist Church, South. He is a democrat and is a York Rite Mason and Shriner. Submitted by Valerie Crook **************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. ****************************************************************