Recruited at Williamstown, but later moved to Ohio. As the battery was mustered in Ohio, that state has never recognized its West Virginia origin. First Regiment, Ohio First Light Artillery, Battery K William L. DeBeck (Captain),Lewis Heckman (Captain), Thomas M. Bartlett (First Lieutenant),Andrew Berwick (First Lieutenant), Henry S. Camp (First Lieutenant),George B. Haskins (First Lieutenant), John D. Holden (First Lieutenant),John H. Rees (First Lieutenant), Columbus Rodamour (First Lieutenant),Charles M. Schiely (First Lieutenant), Arthur Edwards (Second Lieutenant),Hiram B. Iams (Second Lieutenant), Fredrick Miller (Second Lieutenant),Winchester McHendry (First Sergeant), Edmond F. Stafford (First Sergeant),Thomas H. Core (Q.M.S.), Cecil C. Reed (Q.M.S.),James A. Dallison (Sergeant), Augustus Defoe (Sergeant),William Dorff (Sergeant), Jeremiah Fairhurst (Sergeant),John Irvin (Sergeant), Daniel Ledger (Sergeant),William T. Quilliams (Sergeant), Isaac S. Smith (Sergeant),James W. Stevens (Sergeant), John Q. Adams (Corporal),Henry R. Beam (Corporal),John R. Brooks (Corporal), John Cananovan (Corporal),Timothy Gorman (Corporal),Bishop Jobes (Corporal), Wm. C. Jordon (Corporal),John W. Justice (Corporal),James Lish (Corporal), John McCullough (Corporal),Isaac McGowan (Corporal),John Mowry (Corporal), John H. Newlands (Corporal),Henry C. Ott (Corporal),Elisha Palmer (Corporal), Edwin R. Potter (Corporal),Ralph Waisingham (Corporal), Lewis Wheeler (Corporal),Geo. Winchester (Corporal),William Girt (Artificer), Jacob Laforse (Artificer),Stephen B. Lewis (Artificer), Levi H. Swartswood (Artificer),Michael Tully (Artificer), Michael K. Bayard (Bugler),Christopher Todt (Bugler),Robert F. Andrews, Alexander Anthony,Joseph Axford,Robert Bantlin,Paul Bass,Peter Bechel, Phillip Berringer,Joseph Binehower,Henry Blackford,Henry Blankey, Charles Blanott,Jacob Bohnen,Jerome Boice,John Boone,Frank Booth, Squier Bowers,Adam L. Bowersock,Asher Boyce, James M. Brace,David Brooks, Samuel H. Brown,Charles H. Bull,William W. Burnham,Edwin C. Burns, Ezekiel Calvert,Thomas Campbell,Hugh Chambers,William H. Chapman, Joshua Clark,William Clark,Daniel Cline,Samuel Cline,Wm. Cobbledick, Samuel B. Cole,John C. Coover,Albert M. Cross,Robert B. Cross,Rudolph Dacche, Isaac Dailey,John S. Danks ,John A. Davidson,John Davis,August Dembsky, Charles Dillon,Jacob Drum,Alfred Eddy ,William Eddy,Charles Ehrenstein, George Esserbrener ,William Estlin,John Farby, Conrad Felts, Richard C. Ferry,Andrew Fetley,Milo S. Gage ,W.W. George,William George, W.H. Gerden ,Ransome Gillett,John W. Goodrich,Daniel Gribble , Edw. P. Hammond,Charles Hauck (2),Edward R. Haynes ,Isaac Headley, Isaac D. Hearn,Wm. Heckathorn,John Heffron,Gustav Hemley,Jacob F. Henry, Joshua Henry,Charles Herrig,David Hewitt,Ernest Heyre,Thomas Hines, William Hines,Charles Hitchcock,George Hoeffel,Andrew Howell,Charles Huber, Findley Huddleson,Elliot Johnson,Ernest Johnson,Isaac Johnson, Joseph Johnson,Calvin Jones,William H. Jordan,Matthew Joy,Phineas J. Justick, Charles Karr,James Kealy,Louis Keiffer,Charles Keisel,John M. Keely, William Keely,John Kern,Delivan Keyser,Martin Kilbride,John M. Kinney, Buchan Kirk,Charles Klasgye,William Klasgye,Thomas Leary,Alonzo Lee, William Lewhellin,Thomas Lewis,Jacob Linder,Leander Little,John Lyons, Jesse McBee,Samuel McHendry,James Mackey,Martin V.B. Matheney,John Maul, Mathias Meerfield,John Meier,Daniel Metzger,Francis H. Metzger, William H. Miller,Fredrick Minor,Thomas Mitchell,Edward L. Moon, John T. Morehead,Jacob Myer,Martin Nash,Fredrick W. Neidick, James Norton,Adam Ochihoff,Bartley O'Neil,Lewis Opert,Hiram P. Oviatt, James D. Owen,Edward R. Payne,Henry R. Peacock,Henry B. Peerman, William Perkins,Samuel Pickands,Desivigna Pierce,Robert L. Plummer, William Pott,Benjamin Potter,James Quigley,Elmer A. Rand,Leroy S. Rearden, Levi H. Rearden,Hector O. Rector,William Richardson,Asbury Riggs, William D. Ropp,Daniel Ross,Nathaniel Ross,Thomas Rowell,Samuel Russell, George Sander,Henry Schaffer,John Schaffer,Peter Schaffer,Godfrey Shafer, Hugo Shafer,John Shamel,Charles Smith,Jacob Smith,Jonathan Smith, Jacob Snyder,Henry Spizfaden,Samuel States,Isaac B. Stein,Jacob Stein, Lewis Stoller,Erastus Stroup,Nathan Summers,John Sutter,Thomas Sweney, Moses Thomas,Frank Towsley,James Trinble,Cyrus B. Valentine,Ben Waller, John Weddle,Fredrick Wehelman,William Wetherby,John Wheeler,George W. Wilson, Emerson E. Winn,Francis S. Wolf,Irvin W. Wolf,Jacob Wolf,Jacob S. Wood, John Wood,Charles Zeische -------------------------------------------------------------- Soldiers Interred at Parkersburg, West Virginia, by the U.S. Government During the Civil War Name Rank,Regiment,Company Death Date T. Austin/ Private 20th Ill. Co.K/Jan. 17, 1865 David Barnes/Private 7th Va. Cav./May 15,1864 John Barnes/Private 1st Va. Cav. Co.L/Apr. 24,1864 Daniel Bautz/Private 63rd Ohio Co.G/Jul.22, 1865 J. Brothers/Private 32nd Ohio Co.B/Jun.27, 1865 Manville Clark/Private 23rd Ohio Co.A/Jul. 28, 1864 Lewis C. Collins/Private 3rd Va. Cav. Co.E/May16, 1861 E.M. Delaney/Private 2nd Pa. Militia Co.I/Aug.10, 1863 John A. Demot/Private 5th N.Y. Cav. Co.A/Jul.21, 1864 Sylvester Dennison/Private 2nd Pa. Cav. Co.A/Jul.22, 1863 John Fleming/Private Co.K/Apr. 19,1864 H.W. Hemsley/Private 5th Va. Co.F J.T. Henry/Private 196th Ohio Co.A/Apr.9, 1865 James Henry/Private 2nd Mich. Co.K/Mar.23, 1865 J. Hetherby/Private 11th W. Va. Co.E/Jan. 24,1865 Daniel Higgins/Private 15th W. Va. Co.G/Aug. 14,1864 Wm. S. Hunt/Private 1st Minn. Co.C/Aug.18, 1865 S. Ivey/Private 20th Pa. Cav. Co.H/Aug.9, 1864 A. Jones/Private 20th Ill. Co.G/Jun. 17, 1865 S. Kenney/Private 6th W. Va. Co.G/Dec.24, 1864 Joseph Killingsworth/Private 15th Ill. Co.A/Sep.10, 1865 Thomas Kirkpatrick/Private 140th Ind. Co.H/Aug. 1, 1865 J. McCan/Private 63rd Ohio Co.I/Jun. 15, 1865 Daniel McKay/Private 5th W. Va. Co.F/Apr. 27,1864 Peter McNaley/Private 11th W. Va. Co.B/Apr. 2,1864 W. Metcalf/Private 8th Ohio Cav. Co.E/Sep. 29,1864 John Newton/Private 7th Mich. Co.G/Jul.31, 1865 D. Osborne/Private 4th W. Va. Co.H/Aug. 24, 1864 D. Polsgrove/Private 20th Pa. Cav. Co.B/Sep. 11,1864 L. Polyard/Private 5th W. Va.Cav. Co.D/Nov. 6, 1864 James Slavens/Private 5th W. Va. Inf./Aug.4, 1864 J.J. Smith/Private 1st W. Va.Cav. Co.A/Jul. 3, 1865 James Sturgill/Private 5thCav. Co.F T. Taylor/Private 20th Pa.Cav. Co.H/Sep. 22, 1864 H. Thompson/Private 110th Ohio Co.D/Sep. 9, 1864 H.P. Thompson/Private 137thN.Y./Apr. 5, 1865 Jacob Williams/Private 1st (W.) Va.Artillery/Jul. 20, 1864 N. Workman/Private 9th W. Va. Co.G/Nov. 9, 1864 S.S. Wright/Private 54th Ind. Co.E/Jun.13, 1865 ------------------------------------------------ COLORED C.T. = "colored troops" Nathan Allen/Private 14th U.S. C.T. Co.K/Aug. 2,1865 I. Boyd/Private 122nd U.S. C.T. Co.D/Jan.26, 1865 S. Coburn/Private 122nd U.S.C.T. Co.C/Jan. 24, 1865 B. Gatliff/Private 122nd U.S.C.T. Co.G/Jan. 24, 1865 D. Hamilton/Private 115th U.S. C.T. Co.K/May 14,1865 J. Hendrickus/Private 122nd U.S. C.T. Co.K/Feb.14, 1865 ----- Langston/Private 122nd U.S. C.T. Co.I/Jan.16, 1865 P. Lisles/Private 122nd U.S.C.T. Co.E/Jan. 25, 1865 G. Metcalf/Private 115th U.S.C.T. Co.K/Jan. 13, 1864 W. O'Brien/Private 122nd U.S. C.T. Co.D/Jan. 18,1865 S. Ross/Private 114th U.S.C.T. Co.K/Feb. 14, 1865 H. Simmons/Private 122nd U.S. C.T. Co.D/Jan. 26,1865 A. Sutherland/Private 114th U.S. C.T. Co.H/Mar.7, 1865 ------------------------------------------- This file was submitted for use in the WVGenWeb project. It may not be sold or used in a commercial project without permission of the submitter.