Kelly Raymond Hurst Biography By Sylvia Acord Bragg Kelly Raymond Hurst was the son of Dr. Posey & Dora Hendricks Hurst he was born at Posey Saxon in Raleigh County West Virginia. The family moved to Oceana Wyoming County West Virginia in spring of 1929 to a thriving and booming Coal Mining Town and as Doctors were scarce his fathers practice thrived and before long the family built a large beautiful 2-story home and office near by in the middle of town. And how they along with another man had torn down an old school for the lumber and both families had used the lumber to build their homes. The year they built their new home his dad had planted some tiger lilies from their old home place in Raleigh County, in the front yard and young Holly tree in the back yard and it is still beautiful today. And as they had four children Kelly Raymond Hurst, Jack Hurst, Garnett Hurst Dearing and Grace Hurst Worrell all four children went to College and Kelly, Grace and Garnett became schoolteachers. The family home was a meeting place for all the local functions and the teenagers just loved it, for my mother-in -law Rita Elkins Bragg as her older sisters were friends with Grace and Garnett. And sometimes she would get to come along with Callie & Millie, she has told many stories of the young people dancing in the parlor under a beautiful chandelier and the laughter of the young folks as Mr. & Mrs. Hurst always excused themselves. Kelly Raymond Hurst was the Grandson of Dr. Crockett Hurst and the son of Dr. Posey Hurst so when he started college he fully and was expected to be a Doctor. He told stories of how it didn't take someone with much intellect to figure out he couldn't once his studies started he just could never be a Doctor. Because for years he was on the receiving side of medicine and doctors for as a very young lad he fell very ill to the Killer epidemic of Swine Flu that left entire families laying dead for weeks and there was no one well enough to bury the dead and burn their homes, I remember long ago seeing Grandpa Kelly's photo in the newspaper as being one of only two survivors of that epidemic still living. He talked of how his Dad had worked for so many weeks and went without food or rest and had ridden two horses to death trying to get to so many folks and when someone had already died how his father would grieve for those folks and the horror of entire families had died. Grandpa Kelly was bedfast for seven years and his mother home schooled him so his education would continue, as she was a teacher also. He loved to tinker on automobiles, and how when a young man traveling back and forth from college how fortunate he was to have a car and how big the ruts were in the road between Huntington and home and how those roads eventually developed cars into a hobby and then after several years of teaching would, became his business for years as he was the Owner & Operator of Kelly Hurst's garage on Route 10 which is Cook Parkway or Main Street In Oceana, Wyoming County West Virginia. The once again illness struck him he had A nerve laying on his inner ear canal that would abscess and then bleed for weeks and his 1st cousin had died from the same thing the Doctors had tried to operate and he died on the operating table so the surgery as far as Grandpa Kelly was concerned was totally out of the question, no matter how bad the pain and he most certainly did suffer from this he would stagger and hold his head as we changed his pillow cases and cleansed his ear the side of his head so many times . So ever once in awhile he pulled a cork, although he was truly a gentleman though because in his entire life I don't believe he ever uttered a curse word and always was truly respectful of another person's feelings .so as not to intrude on other people he spent most of his time reading as he truly loved books always worked crossword puzzles. I know he instilled the love of reading for me lots of summer evenings as Grandpa Kelly Myself and my grandmother Sylvia Davidson Hager Hurst would sit on that huge front porch in the rocking chairs and chat about just about everything we talked a lot about how you could travel and see anything or anywhere in the world if you just closed your eyes and opened your mind through the knowledge of reading. We talked of his mother's potato salad as it was his most favorite food he always wanted me to make it for him as I had learned to make it just like Granny Hurst, with large chunks of potatoes an mustard in it. He also taught me to make homemade cottage cheese like hers. When I read of an old Southern gentleman and his well bred manners & politeness always holding the door for a woman and being overly cautious about your feelings I always imagine them as being like my Step- Grandfather Kelly Raymond Hurst . More tragedy was to hit him, as he was the 1st and only man I know to have Breast Cancer. He would suffer even more as no matter the surgery and treatment it spread to his face and nose and he developed Tuberculosis and was in the hospital for 2 years. He loved my grandmother and only her until the day he died as she passed away not six months before him, he just laid down and grieved until he died February of 1973 at home in Oceana Wyoming County West Virginia He along with his brother and mother and father are buried in Beckley, West Virginia. 1