Johnson County WY Archives Biographies.....Hersey, George P. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher October 21, 2011, 2:52 pm Source: See below Author: A. W. Bowen (Publisher) GEORGE P. HERSEY. George P. Hersey, a prominent and successful stock-grower of Johnson county, came to Wyoming in 1881 and has since resided within her borders. He was then without capital except his determined and resourceful spirit and his excellent health and experience he has gained in hard knocks in various parts of this country, but he is now one of the substantial and wealthy men of his county. Whatever he has now in worldly possessions he has accumulated in Wyoming and he may therefore be truly called a production of the state as well as a developer of her industries and natural resources. He was born in far away New Hampshire, the son of Stephen and Caroline (Thompson) Hersey, natives of Massachusetts. He grew to manhood and was educated in his native state, living on the old homestead and assisting in its health-giving but unremunerative toil, until he was twenty years old. In 1879 he came to Colorado and went to work in a mill and after two years of this occupation removed to Johnson county, Wyo., settling on the Brace ranch. He also took up land in company with Fred Hanchett. In 1886 he sold out to the 4 H Ranch Company and then bought an interest in the enterprise. He was interested with this outfit ten years when it sold out and in 1887 Mr. Hersey bought a ranch on Rock Creek which he still owns, in 1887 settling on the ranch which is now his home, which consists of 2,200 acres of land under deed and 8,000 acres of leased premises. On this wide expanse of territory he has large herds of fine cattle, the most of his output being high-grade Herefords. In all matters of benefit and utility to the section in which he lives Mr. Hersey takes an earnest interest. He is treasurer and one of the leading stockholders of the Clouds Peak Reservoir Co., and has given much time and energy to its development and the proper application of its benefits. In 1891, at Butler, Mo., he was married with Miss Georgia Basma, a native of Michigan. They have one child, their daughter Myrtle. Their home is one of the pleasant resorts of the neighborhood, where their friends always find a hearty welcome and a generous hospitality and where the stranger can confidently enter an open door and find pleasant entertainment. Additional Comments: Extracted from: PROGRESSIVE MEN OF THE STATE OF WYOMING ILLUSTRATED CHICAGO, ILL. A. W. BOWEN & CO. PUBLISHERS AND ENGRAVERS 1903 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.0 Kb