List of Civil War Pensioners, Wyoming, 1883 This list was transcribed by Alice Jean Miller ( for the USGenWeb Archives. Copyright 2000 by Alice Jean Miller. ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ Laramie Co., WY Territory Source: "List of Pensioners on the Roll, January 1, 1883; giving the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the post-office address, the rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance, as called for by Senate Resolution of December 8, 1882. Vol. IV, page 858-859. Certif. No. Name of pensioner Post Office Addr. Cause for which pensioned Monthly rate Date of orig. allowance 133, 131 Solomon, John J. Cheyenne g.s.w. l. leg $ 4 00 Apr., 1875 93, 736 Smith, William O. Cheyenne w. legs 6 00 Nov., 1868 120, 428 Buffon, Hugh P. Cheyenne w. r. arm 4 00 Dec., 1872 18, 286 Horrie, Robert B. Cheyenne w. l. hand 8 00 Oct., 1863 60, 824 Thompson, James Cheyenne w. leg 6 00 Mar., 1866 97, 944 Williams, Rees Cheyenne g.s.w. r. side 8 00 May, 1869 200, 109 Whipple, Daniel F. Cheyenne chr. diarr. 8 00 Jan., 1882 167, 344 Thomas, John W. Cheyenne g.s.w. l. hand 4 00 Apr., 1880 McDonough, Patrick Cheyenne total blindness 72 00 Jan., 1882 218, 100 Merrill, John Cheyenne g.s.w. l. shoul. 6 00 Sept., 1882 42, 113 Helphinstine, Henry H Cheyenne g.s.w. l. thigh 8 00 May, 1865 218, 733 Loeb, Louis Cheyenne g.s.w. l. leg 4 00 Oct., 1882 Foster, Joseph W. Cheyenne chr. rheum. 30 00 Sept., 1881 146, 813 Gluer, Frederick Cheyenne g.s.w. r. forearm 8 00 June, 1877 168, 127 Ryder, John Cheyenne g.s.w. r. arm 4 00 May, 1880 166, 017 Couch, Perry M. Cheyenne dis. eyes 8 00 Mar., 1880 222, 003 Burns, Edward Cheyenne frac. r. clavicle 4 00 Dec., 1882 170, 499 Edwards, Hugh J. Cheyenne g.s.w. chest 4 00 June, 1880 178, 903 Davis, John Cheyenne inj. l. leg & dis. of abd. vis. 12 00 Nov., 1880 19, 693 Sanford, Peter Cheyenne g.s.w. r. shoul. 6 00 Nov., 1863 222, 306 Smith, John Cheyenne w. r. hand 12 00 Dec., 1882 170, 070 Russell, Benj. F. Cheyenne chr. diarr. 8 50 Jan., 1880 557 Swartz, Sophia P. Cheyenne widow 8 00 Nov., 1869 194, 927 Taylor, Annie Cheyenne widow 14 00 Mar., 1882 98, 354 Rehmeyer, William H. Chug Water dis. from scurvy 12 00 June, 1869 88, 112 Hill, James Egbert g.s.w. chest 8 00 Aug., 1869 96, 155 Sutherland, James H. Fort Laramie amp. grt. toe r. foot 4 00 Mar., 1869 87, 256 Saffell, Samuel H. Fort Laramie g.s.w. l. leg 4 00 Nov., 1867 212, 725 Miller, Charles Fort Laramie injury to abdomen 8 00 June, 1882 193, 684 Bahr, Maggie Fort Sanders widow 14 00 Nov., 1881