Sheridan County WY Archives Biographies.....Kirkpatrick, James 1826 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher October 23, 2011, 7:06 pm Source: See below Author: A. W. Bowen (Publisher) JAMES KIRKPATRICK. For the voyager who has been true to his course, however storm-tossed and weary, there is even on this side of the grave a haven where wind and wave disturb not, or are felt but as gentle undulations of the unrippled and mirroring waters. This haven is a serene and hale old age. The tired traveler has abandoned the jostling and crowded highways of life. The din of traffic and of worldly strife have no longer magic for his ear. He has run his race of toil, or trade, or ambition. His day's work is accomplished and he has come home to enjoy, tranquil and unharassed, the splendor of the sunset, the milder glories of late evening. Such as this is the condition of James Kirkpatrick of near Banner in Sheridan county, who being now near the age of fourscore is enjoying the few remaining years of a useful life in peace after many trials, having comfort after much of hazard and privation. He was born in Ohio on October 12, 1826, the son of Abraham and Mary (Marrett) Kirkpatrick, who emigrated from their native state of Pennsylvania to Ohio in the early days of its history, and were pioneers there, as their son has been in two states since their clay. He was reared on the farm and educated at the little country schoolhouse near his home. When he reached the age of twenty-one he engaged in farming near his father's place, but in 1854, moved by the frontier spirit he had inherited from his parents and their ancestors, he moved into Illinois, then a newly opened country in the far West, and locating in Adams county not far from the great Father of Waters, he there passed nearly thirty years as a successful farmer, beholding that country come forth at the persuasive voice of systematic cultivation to fruitfulness and comeliness and contributing his due portion of the labor and care necessary to bring about that result. He enlisted at Quincy, Ill., in the Union army in September, 1861, served three years, was in several battles and in one was badly wounded by a gunshot and still carries the ball. Another ball passed through his body from above the right hip, coming out above the left hip, his horse being killed under him at the same time. He was mustered out at Little Rock, Ark., in August, 1864, being in the Third Missouri Cavalry. In 1883 he came to Wyoming and settled in Sheridan county, where he took up a homestead and engaged in farming and stockgrowing until he retired a few years ago from active pursuits. He has a fine farm and is well-to-do and safely established in the affectionate regard and esteem of his fellows among whom he has lived and labored. For thirty-five years he has been a member of the Masonic order, always taking great interest in its progress and the meetings of his lodge, attending when he could and keeping alive in his memory and his life its exalted teachings. In 1847 ne was married in Ohio with Miss Elizabeth Hoskins, a native of that state, who for fifty-three years walked life's troubled way with him and then, in 1900, passed over to those activities that know no weariness, leaving six children surviving her, William, a resident of Durango, Colo.; Albert; James W., a prosperous stockgrower of this county; Lillie M., married to Charles B. Holmes, county clerk of Sheridan county; J. F., a farmer and stock-grower of this county, with whom Mr. Kirkpatrick now makes his home: Ella E., the wife of Oscar Mull of Quincy, Ill. Another daughter, Mary, is deceased. Additional Comments: Extracted from: PROGRESSIVE MEN OF THE STATE OF WYOMING ILLUSTRATED CHICAGO, ILL. A. W. BOWEN &CO. PUBLISHERS AND ENGRAVERS 1903 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.2 Kb