Weston County WY Archives Biographies.....Harper, Robert A. 1857 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/wy/wyfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00001.html#0000031 October 21, 2011, 1:05 pm Source: See below Author: A. W. Bowen (Publisher) ROBERT A. HARPER. Young, energetic, progressive and successful, Robert A. Harper, one of the prominent ranchmen of Weston county, who never shirked a duty or turned his back upon a foe, is a credit to the community in which he lives and one of its forceful and productive activities. In the province of Ontario, Canada, on April 20, 1857, he came into being, the son of Irish parents who had settled in the Dominion some years before. They were George and Ann J. (Spears) Harper, who left the hard and cramped conditions of the Emerald Isle for the ampler opportunities of the New World, and after a life of usefulness as farmers were laid to rest beneath the soil of their adopted land, the mother in 1880 and the father in 1895. Their son Robert remained at home until he was twenty-three, attending the public schools and assisting on the farm, thereafter in the spring of 1880 coming to Wyoming and locating at Cheyenne, he went to work for Sturgess & Goodell, who in the fall sent him to the Stockade Beaver Creek section in their interest, they having ranches and cattle there. He remained with them, riding the range and looking after their interests until 1886, then went to work for J. C. Spencer on his nearby ranch and was his capable foreman until 1889. He then entered the employ of W. H. Fawcett, whose ranch adjoins the one now owned by himself, and had charge of his property until August, 1900. In 1897 he purchased the ranch on which he now resides cm Stockade Beaver Creek, eight miles east of Newcastle, and gradually stocked it while in the service of Mr. Fawcett. In 1900 he settled on his own ranch and has since devoted his entire time to its development and cultivation and to his cattle interests. With steady progress he has added to the improvement of his property and the size and quality of his herd, making them more and more worthy of regard and more in keeping with his ideas of a comfortable homestead, his last addition being a good new residence, which was erected in the summer of 1902. In politics Mr. Harper is a Democrat and, although earnestly interested in the success of his party, believing in its principles and the wisdom of its policies, he does not seek official preferment, being content to exercise his force as a citizen in advancing the general welfare of his community without regard to personal honors. On November 11, 1899, at Philadelphia, Pa., he was united in marriage with Miss Sallie Swalm, a native of the Keystone state, where her parents, Joseph and Augeline Swalm, were also born and reared. Until his death in 1898 her father was a prosperous merchant in Philadelphia, Pa. Her mother is still living in Tioga, a suburb of that city. Additional Comments: Extracted from: PROGRESSIVE MEN OF THE STATE OF WYOMING ILLUSTRATED CHICAGO, ILL. A. W. BOWEN & CO. PUBLISHERS AND ENGRAVERS 1903 File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/wy/weston/bios/harper33gbs.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/wyfiles/ File size: 3.5 Kb